I’m also going to talk about difference of how to choose a university from different point between Japanese and American students. First, in case of Japanese students, people evaluate each university by a value or difficulty. For example in Japanese people evaluate Tokyo university very high level. But in American, something students studying is asked by society. So American students make a point of environment that each student can concentrate on studying in university.
Next, I’m going to talk about an entrance and graduation in American universities. Graduation from university in America is more difficult than Japan. About 50 percent of students can not graduate from university. Entering university is easy but graduating is difficult. So many students study very hard to graduate. In case of Japan, most students don’t study too much because entering university is difficult. It is difference between American and Japanese students. And American universities don’t have a system of failure. So if students can not get enough credits to graduate, they must leave own university
As last, we want to advise for exchange students. We think exchange students should make Japanese friends because they adapt themselves to Japanese culture. If they worry about something, they should talk to adviser in Japanese university. Most Japanese universities have good facilities for exchange students. May be the adviser help them.
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